Whitman Sampler

Saint “Whitman Sampler” David Whitman Saint Whitman Sampler is an active volunteer and board member in a handful of service and non-profit organizations in the greater Boston area. His list is extensive and speaks to his “sampler” approach to service: he is a founding member and…


Saint Jujubee, Jujubee/Airlyne Inthyrath She likes long walks on the beach, big dicks, and fried chicken, but more than this she loves to help her community. Hailing from the Boston area, Jujubee is no stranger to the community, especially with her sass, high-fashion, and quick…

Bearz Beads

Saint “Bearz Beads” Dennis Fortin Before moving from Boston Dennis aka Saint Bearz Beads was a prominent figure amongst the Boston Bear scene. You could often find him spreading joy at the Alley and other bear events. Dennis was constantly mingling with the crowds and…


Saint “Food4Good” Julius Seawright Julius is a Culinary Art/Food Service Management graduate of Johnson & Wales University class of 2013.  His studies include Advanced Culinary Capstone Labs, Entrepreneurship & Interdisciplinary Studies. He studied this because he has a fascination with food and culture. In 2014 he…