Point Nun Report: Fascination Gear Beer Bust 2/16/25

Sister Brother Freddie Anne Willing, Sister Ima Miracle and Sister Betty Esem spent a delightful Sunday afternoon sippin sips, and clippin nips tryping to measure gorgeous bods with raffle tickets. The bimonthly Fascination Gear Beer Bust is always a delight, as the kink community comes…

Point Nun Report: DIY or DIE, Jacque’s Cabaret 12/22/24

It was with an amazing amount of delight that Sister Brother Freddie Anne Willing, Sister Judy B Good and Postulant Sister Carm De Garcon were able to attend the Home for the Holigays edition of DIY or DIE. Along with the host Lilith Graves and…

Point Nun Report: Drag Race, Dinner, and Dancing at the Alley Bar, Feb 22, 2025

Sister Betty appeared at the Alley Bar to meet and greet all and spread joy and laughter as Ru Paul’s Drag race began.  Together we cheered, we laughed as the show went on.  After the show ended I joined friends for a brief break and…