Vi the Saint of Boston Digital Drag

Vi the Saint of Boston Digital Drag


Prior to Covid, Violencia has been a collaborator to the Sisters, and given the house opportunities to amplify messages through advertising, penny drives, and personal plugs during her live events.

In response to the Covid 19 crisis, Violencia immediately stepped up as a community organizer. They followed a few of the house’s tenets.  Outreach through entertainment, fund raising, and fostering of community.

Through these digital shows Violencia generated an online community of artists and a way for friends and fans to interact in a meaningful way with one another.

Her show titled Serve Mondays has been occurring weekly since March 16.

These streams have:

Uplifted spirits

Brought community together

Amplified artists reach to a national and international level.

Through her work making these shows, she has given at risk queer artists the opportunity to supplement income, which for many has made the difference of surviving.

It is for these reasons she is being put up for consideration of sainthood.

If you’d like to catch her show, and see the advertisement for WE RISE UP you can go over to KIKIPedia and find the link to the show.

She is also planning a fundraiser on 6/22 to aid in the Transgender Emergency fund and Black Visions Collective.

Author: Freddie.Anne Willing