Provincetown Roundup

Well a big thanks to Sr. Eunice, Nsr. Rosetta, Nsr. Sandra, NSr. Dearest Nsr. Teresa and Nsr. Sandra for their participation and support for the weekend’s goings on.

We arrived in two parties with Rosie, Dearest and Teresa battling the Saturday morning cape traffic. We 3, Eunice, Sandra and I, stayed with our ever loving and giving friend Meg. We were all hosted by our dear friend Paula at her PTown play house.

Manifested we met at the PTown Monument and were greeted most highly by my dear friend Mo. Found Robbie Samuels, got the drill on our roll in the Silent and live auctions and we hit the ground running.

We worked our magic on the silent auction tables and pushed up many a bid. Then we worked the crowd soliciting higher bids and greater participation.

After we finished at the GLAD event, we took a little breather at Paula’s playhouse. Touched up and headed out to hit the streets in search of the $. We set out to raise as much as we could in a short walk. We made ½ way in about 3 hours. Many a picture and many a $5.00 bill later we had raised roughly $336.00 for the Provincetown Soup Kitchen. Or the Providence Food Bank: >
Returned to our places of lodging, defaced and then had a bit of Gnosh before a long walk back to the car to call it a night.

Overall, a very successful and fun Saturday raising joy, awareness and money for two very worthy causes.

Most humbly yours,
Sr. KrisTall Mighty

Author: Webmaster