ReSister Weekend

On Friday 8/30 

Sisters arrived at Club Cafe and proceeded to group manifest.  Stories where told, joy was shared.  And the sisters embarked towards the AIDS memorial tree for a 5:30 arrival.
The sisters at 5:45 welcomed community members, A handful of varied individuals showed up to speak the names of the dead onto the wind. Glitter was blessed and spread. Our ancients where called to protect us during the weekend, and we culminated with closing the circle.
The sisters went on a walk from the Aids memorial tree to club cafe from 6-8pm for dinner and joy.
From 10-1am the sisters went from Club Cafe to Cathedral Station then onto Dbar to do a bucket drive for the Sisters’ Community Grants Fund.
On Saturday 08/31
We spent the afternoon in the park at the AIDS memorial tree chatting, eating, discussing the state of the world, waving at traffic, and walking around.
A handful of people visited the tent throughout the day and utilized our services.
From 10pm to 2am The Sisters helped greet and herd guests as they arrived at the door for the ResistDance at Legacy. We helped process the guests with humor through the check points.  We then spent the night dancing and collecting donations for GLADD.   The event was packed and sisters were dancing up a storm!
On Sunday 09/1
The sisters had a lovely decompression which Club Cafe generously helped us with during brunch.  We dined and carried on while processing the weeks work.
Later, Sister Lida would take Sister Faegala to her first Ptown trip, picking up cyclist and sister friend Mark who did a 80 mile training ride for Harbor to the Bay earlier that morning.
-Sister Lida Christ

Author: May