Drag Bingo with Kitty Litter

Dear Sisters,

On Thursday, September 15, NSr’s Sandra Musique and Teresa Solution departed from Boston at 3:15 to assist at Miss Kitty Litter’s Drag Bingo benefitting ACOS. The Sisters arrived at the Riviera Bingo Palace in Cranston RI at 4:30 and discovered the area available to manifest in was, well, less than our usual standards. A quick run to the local Job Lot produced a smart stand mirror that worked well under the fluorescent lighting, but totally clashed with the standard wood paneling around the space.

When the advertising for the event said the doors opened at 6:00, they weren’t kidding. The Sisters quickly finished throwing on faces and started to greet attendees as they arrived to purchase packets of bingo cards mere feet from where the Sisters were getting ready. Kitty and her assistant Kalene Brennan tasked the Sisters with selling the brown special. Luckily, prior to any embarrassing mis-interpretation, it was explained the this is the monthly progressive bingo round. At the start of the evening the pot was $1337. The Sisters QUICKLY sold out their cards and came back for replenishment numerous times over the course of the evening. Kalene and her team repeatedly asked if the Sisters could come back next month due their success rate. At the end of the evening, the pot had been raised to $1737.

As one of the sponsors of the evening failed to arrive, the Sisters were given the chance to call a game and share a little about the order with the audience. The reception was very positive and quite a few attendees asked for photos which have since been posted on Facebook. The event ended at 9:30. The Sisters waited at the doors to thank everyone (thanks, Sr. Eunice!) and were back home by 11:00.

Author: Webmaster