Loocie Brown’s Birthday Party

Greetings Sisters and Supporters,

On Sunday November 4, 2018 Sisters Esther O. Gen, Teresa Glass, Eunice X, Kristall Mighty, and Heidi Sins along with Guard Ian Knight converged on Club Cafe to surprise Loocie Brown, the president of the Moving Violations, during her birthday celebration. After a delightful surprise and a warm welcome, the group set about mingling with the crowd, serving cake, and joining the merriment. The gathered guests were raising money for Southern Poverty Law Center, which the Sisters immediately joined. Kristall and Teresa set about spreading the word to the rest of Club Cafe and collecting donations, in addition to a personal contribution from Eunice and Kristall. After much rejoicing, the gathered group departed Club Cafe with spirits lifted and smiles in tow.
Yours in sequins and glitter,

Sister Esther O. Gen

Author: May